Behaviour Consultation

What You Can Expect from a behaviour consultation:

  1. Questionnaire: You will be asked to complete a comprehensive questionnaire about your pet’s history. This helps gather essential information to make the most of the consultation time.
  2. Initial Consultation: The initial consultation will typically last 60-90 minutes. During this time, the behaviourist will assess your pet’s behaviour, possibly perform a physical or distance physical exam, and review prior medical notes to rule out medical causes.
  3. Individualised Treatment Plan: After the initial consultation, an individualised treatment plan will be created. This plan may involve changes to your pet’s environment, diet, physical activity, behaviour modification, and training exercises. It could also include a referral to a dog trainer and, in some cases, medication recommendations based on the problem or diagnosis.
  4. Email and phone support: After the consultation you have 3 months of email and phone support to help you iwith the implementation of the training plan and to address any problems that present themselves onlong the way.

What Is Required From You:

It is essential for clients to understand the dedication and effort involved in addressing behaviour problems effectively. Below are some of the requirements that you will need to consider:

  1. Hard Work: Behaviour problems often require effort and time to address. Quick fixes are rare, and there is no magic solution. Be prepared for some work on your part.
  2. Commitment: You’ll need to commit to making the necessary changes outlined in the treatment plan. Consistency and follow-through are crucial.
  3. Realistic Expectations: Understand that not all behaviour problems can be completely resolved. Some may require long-term management rather than a complete fix. Your behaviourist will provide realistic expectations based on the specific issue.
  4. Ongoing Training: Training and support for your pet may need to continue throughout their lifetime. Behavioural improvement is often an ongoing process.

These are just some of the problems we can help you with:

Fear and Anxiety
Storm and Noise Phobias
Separation Related Distress
Aggression and Reactivity
Elimination Problems / House Soiling
Cognitive Dysfunction / Dementia
Sleep Disturbances
Destructive Behaviours
Compulsive / Repetitive Behaviours
Resource Guarding
Impulse Control Issues