Separation Anxiety

Resolve Separation Anxiety with Tailored Support Options

At Pet Logic, we recognize the unique challenges and distress that separation anxiety can cause for both pets and their owners. Our specialized program offers two tailored options, allowing you to choose the level of support and intervention that best suits your needs and the needs of your pet.

Understanding Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety in dogs is a serious condition characterized by signs such as excessive barking, whining, destructive behaviour, pacing, and more when left alone. These behaviours are not only distressing but also indicative of your pet’s emotional turmoil. Addressing this condition effectively requires expert intervention and a compassionate understanding of your pet’s emotional health.

Choose Your Treatment Path:
Basic Support Plan (Cost: $495)


  • Pre-Consultation Questionnaire: To gather a thorough history and understand the specifics of your pet’s condition.
  • Initial Consultation: A detailed assessment to diagnose anxiety associated with separation, along with a complete medical evaluation.
  • Personalized Treatment Plan: A strategy tailored to your pet’s specific needs, created to manage and alleviate symptoms of separation anxiety.
  • Three Months of Email Support: Direct access to ongoing guidance and plan adjustments, ensuring you have the support needed to implement the treatment successfully.
Comprehensive Support Program
  • Initial Consultation including Questionnaire and Assessment: $495 (additional cost for medications if required).
    • This session includes a comprehensive evaluation to diagnose your pet and rule out other contributing factors.
  • First Month of Intensive Support: $700
    • Includes four x 1-hour virtual assessments to monitor progress and refine strategies, ensuring effective adaptation to your dog’s responses.
    • Includes daily training plan for each week based on your pets individual progress.
  • Second Month of Continued Guidance: $700
    • Continued weekly virtual assessments and adjustments to maintain positive momentum and address any new challenges.
    • Weekly ongoing training plan.
  • Extended Support Options:
    • Ongoing support sessions available after the first two months, either weekly or fortnightly, for as long as needed. Cost is  $100 per 30 mins. 
Limited Enrolment

To ensure the highest level of care and personalized attention, we limit the number of spots in our program. This approach guarantees that each client and their pet receive the focused support necessary for effective treatment.

We also require a commitment of at least 4 weeks to enter the program.

Technology Requirements:

Participants will need a method to record their pet when alone and access to digital communication tools for consultations and follow-up support.

Invest in Your Pet’s Emotional Health

Whether you opt for our Basic Support Plan for foundational guidance or the Comprehensive Support Program for extensive intervention, you are taking a significant step towards enhancing your pet’s quality of life and regaining your peace of mind.